So I guess this is it. This is what we are really about. Helping PEOPLE develop to reach their full POTENTIAL and increase PERFORMANCE. On this site there are dedicated sections about Team and Leadership development and this is our opportunity to speak a little (just a little) about some of the other 'stuff' we do.
Our consultants have all held senior operational and line management positions prior to becoming full-time facilitators and coaches, and our solutions are based on a wide-ranging base of practical experience.
We have experience and solutions for SALES professionals, from Call Centre to Key Account Management. We can offer Influencing Skills and formal Negotiation Skills training. We work with Graduate or Apprentice groups, looking at effecting team membership or 'Followship' skills.
We have worked with many senior teams helping them to shape their Strategy having clarified their Vision and looked at how we engage the workforce. We have run Culture Surveys and Employee Engagements Surveys, Assessment Centres and even supported a major UK bank with a wide-scale Downsizing and placement exercise.
We are also very proud of our work in developing and administering 360 Degree Feedback Profiles, based around your own competences and behaviours.
So we do everything then?..... Of course not, but we are selective in both what we do and who we engage with. Our solutions need to work, for both of us. GET IN TOUCH